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Meet our Technical Lead, Edmund Lewry

Edmund featured in TVBEurope’s “Meet The” Series where they talk to a range of people working within the media and entertainment industry about their average working day in their roles. The piece can be found online here. Talk us through an average day of your role? I work at Pebble as one of the Technical […]

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Your cloud collaborators

Finding solutions for customers is more than just selling them the best technology The transition to IP-based technologies is a task that is impossible to do – or do well – without collaboration. Should we throw out all our SDI gear and start from scratch? Should we use cloud only for deep storage, or fold […]

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How reports of the death of linear TV are greatly exaggerated

Full page article from our CEO, Peter Mayhead, featured in The IABM’s Q3 Journal Not so long ago, it was thought that linear TV was increasingly a relic of a bygone era. Viewing patterns were changing across demographics worldwide as more and more people switched towards streaming services. However, increasingly it is looking like the […]

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The broadcast industry bounces back

Director of Operations, Yucel Timur, contributes to this Euromedia Survey with comments in the REMOTE section on Page 13, ON-PREM section on Page 14 and TRAVEL & IMPACT on Page 16. Read the contributions HERE.

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